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White neon lighting that says  'Do Something Great'


How we can work together

Good comms is built on strong messaging that tells a story and takes your audience on a journey. 

From strategically building these foundations to effectively delivering them to the world with the greatest impact - I can help you with each step along the way.

boy singing on microphone with pop filte




All communications activity big or small should be grounded in strategy  - a robust media plan baked into your workstream is always the best place to start.

A brick wall with the words 'until debt tear us apart' stencilled in black paint on it.

_Key Messaging

  and Narrative


To communicate the issues you care about and illuminate positive solutions you need to be able to tell your story clearly with a compelling narrative and memorable messaging.

A TV interview between a man and a woman with the word 'Lie' in the background


The ABC of media training and a comprehensive Q&A covering elephant traps to Paxman style interrogation will prepare you for launch and your moment in the spotlight.


An ink pen being used to write a letter

_Editing and

From writing quotes to opinion pieces - editing is a key stage to giving your messages the best chance of making the cut and being part of the media discourse.

An interview being filmed by a video camera



Fostering good relationships with journalists, opinion formers and expert voices in the media is the cornerstone to success in any media campaign. I value my contacts and can connect you to the most relevant people.

An old fashioned taxi for hire sign

_Mentoring and

I am an experienced recruiter my wide network of contacts can help you find the best person from speaking at a fringe and moderating events to growing your media team or co-ordinating your conference.

Services strip 1
Services strip 2
Key Messaging
Media Training
Media Relations
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